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Kasra Ghasemi, Sadra Sadraddini, Calin Belta, Decentralized Signal Temporal Logic Control for Perturbed Interconnected Systems via Assume-Guarantee Contract Optimization, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, 2022 (pdf)

author={Ghasemi, Kasra and Sadraddini, Sadra and Belta, Calin},
booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
title={Decentralized Signal Temporal Logic Control for Perturbed Interconnected Systems via Assume-Guarantee Contract Optimization},

Max Cohen, Calin Belta, Roberto Tron, Robust Control Barrier Functions for Nonlinear Control Systems with Uncertainty: A Duality-based Approach, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, 2022 (pdf)

author={Cohen, Max H. and Belta, Calin and Tron, Roberto},
booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
title={Robust Control Barrier Functions for Nonlinear Control Systems with Uncertainty: A Duality-based Approach},

Ahmad Ahmad, Calin Belta, Roberto Tron, Adaptive Sampling-based Motion Planning with Control Barrier Functions, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, 2022 (pdf)

author={Ahmad, Ahmad and Belta, Calin and Tron, Roberto},
booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
title={Adaptive Sampling-based Motion Planning with Control Barrier Functions},

Wenliang Liu and Noushin Mehdipour and Calin A. Belta, Recurrent Neural Network Controllers for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications Subject to Safety Constraints, IEEE Control Systems Letters, volume 6, pp. 91-96, 2022 (pdf)

author={Liu, Wenliang and Mehdipour, Noushin and Belta, Calin},
journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters},
title={Recurrent Neural Network Controllers for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications Subject to Safety Constraints},

W. Xiao and C. Belta, High-Order Control Barrier Functions, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 3655-3662, July 2022, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2021.3105491 (pdf)

author={Xiao, Wei and Belta, Calin},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
title={High-Order Control Barrier Functions},
keywords={Safety;Optimization;Lyapunov methods;Cruise control;Optimal control;Navigation;Convergence;Lyapunov methods;safety-critical control},

Wei Xiao, Calin A. Belta, Christos G. Cassandras, Sufficient conditions for feasibility of optimal control problems using Control Barrier Functions, Automatica, Volume 135, 2022, ISSN 0005-1098 (pdf)

author = {Wei Xiao and Calin A. Belta and Christos G. Cassandras},
doi = {},
issn = {0005-1098},
journal = {Automatica},
keywords = {Lyapunov methods, Safety-critical control, Control Barrier Function, Optimal control},
pages = {109960},
title = {Sufficient conditions for feasibility of optimal control problems using Control Barrier Functions},
url = {},
volume = {135},
year = {2022},
bdsk-url-1 = {},
bdsk-url-2 = {}}

Erfan Aasi, Cristian Ioan Vasile, Mahroo Bahreinian, Calin Belta, Classification of Time-Series Data Using Boosted Decision Trees,IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, 2022 (pdf)

author={Aasi, Erfan and Vasile, Cristian Ioan and Bahreinian, Mahroo and Belta, Calin},
booktitle={2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
title={Classification of Time-Series Data Using Boosted Decision Trees},

Suhail Alsalehi, Erfan Aasi, Ron Weiss, Calin Belta, Learning Spatio-Temporal Specifications for Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC) 2022, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 168, pp. 968-980, 2022 (pdf)

title = {Learning Spatio-Temporal Specifications for Dynamical Systems},
author = {Alsalehi, Suhail and Aasi, Erfan and Weiss, Ron and Belta, Calin},
booktitle = {Proceedings of The 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference},
pages = {968–980},
year = {2022},
editor = {Firoozi, Roya and Mehr, Negar and Yel, Esen and Antonova, Rika and Bohg, Jeannette and Schwager, Mac and Kochenderfer, Mykel},
volume = {168},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
month = {23–24 Jun},
publisher = {PMLR},
pdf = {},
url = {},
abstract = {Learning dynamical systems properties from data provides valuable insights that help us understand such systems and mitigate undesired outcomes. We propose a framework for learning spatio-temporal (ST) properties as formal logic specifications from data. We introduce Support Vector Machine-Signal Temporal Logic (SVM-STL), an extension of Signal Temporal Logic (STL), capable of specifying spatial and temporal properties of a wide range of systems exhibiting time-varying spatial patterns. Our framework utilizes machine learning techniques to learn SVM-STL specifications from system executions given by sequences of spatial patterns. We present methods to deal with both labeled and unlabeled data. In addition, given system requirements in the form of SVM-STL specifications, we provide an approach for parameter synthesis to find parameters that maximize the satisfaction of such specifications. Our learning framework and parameter synthesis approach are showcased in an example of a reaction-diffusion system.}

Ningyuan Zhang, Wenliang Liu and Calin Belta, Distributed Control using Reinforcement Learning with Temporal-Logic-Based Reward Shaping, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC), 2022, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 168, pp. 751-762, 2022 (pdf)

title = {Distributed Control using Reinforcement Learning with Temporal-Logic-Based Reward Shaping},
author = {Zhang, Ningyuan and Liu, Wenliang and Belta, Calin},
booktitle = {Proceedings of The 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference},
pages = {751–762},
year = {2022},
editor = {Firoozi, Roya and Mehr, Negar and Yel, Esen and Antonova, Rika and Bohg, Jeannette and Schwager, Mac and Kochenderfer, Mykel},
volume = {168},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
month = {23–24 Jun},
publisher = {PMLR},
pdf = {},
url = {},
abstract = {We present a computational framework for synthesis of distributed control strategies for a heterogeneous team of robots in a partially observable environment. The goal is to cooperatively satisfy specifications given as Truncated Linear Temporal Logic (TLTL) formulas. Our approach formulates the synthesis problem as a stochastic game and employs a policy graph method to find a control strategy with memory for each agent. We construct the stochastic game on the product between the team transition system and a finite state automaton (FSA) that tracks the satisfaction of the TLTL formula. We use the quantitative semantics of TLTL as the reward of the game, and further reshape it using the FSA to guide and accelerate the learning process. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed solution under demanding task specifications and the effectiveness of reward shaping in significantly accelerating the speed of learning.}

Max Cohen and Calin Belta, High Order Robust Adaptive Control Barrier Functions and Exponentially Stabilizing Adaptive Control Lyapunov Functions, American Control Conference (ACC), 2022 (pdf)

author={Cohen, Max H. and Belta, Calin},
booktitle={2022 American Control Conference (ACC)},
title={High Order Robust Adaptive Control Barrier Functions and Exponentially Stabilizing Adaptive Control Lyapunov Functions},

Wei Xiao, Christos G. Cassandras, Calin Belta, Daniela Rus, Control Barrier Functions for Systems with Multiple Control Inputs, American Control Conference (ACC), 2022 (pdf)

author={Xiao, Wei and Cassandras, Christos G. and Belta, Calin A. and Rus, Daniela},
booktitle={2022 American Control Conference (ACC)},
title={Control Barrier Functions for Systems with Multiple Control Inputs},

Kevin Leahy, Zachary Serlin, Cristian Ioan Vasile, Andrew Schoer, Austin Jones, Roberto Tron, Calin Belta, Scalable and Robust Algorithms for Task-based Coordination from High-level Specifications (ScRATCHeS), IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 38, issue 4, pp. 2516-2535, 2022, DOI:  10.1109/TRO.2021.3130794 (pdf)

author={Leahy, Kevin and Serlin, Zachary and Vasile, Cristian-Ioan and Schoer, Andrew and Jones, Austin M. and Tron, Roberto and Belta, Calin},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
title={Scalable and Robust Algorithms for Task-Based Coordination From High-Level Specifications (ScRATCHeS)},

Wei Xiao, Calin Belta, Christos G. Cassandras, Adaptive Control Barrier Functions, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 2267-2281, 2022 (pdf)

author={Xiao, Wei and Belta, Calin and Cassandras, Christos G.},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
title={Adaptive Control Barrier Functions},

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